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Under the Auspices of President Abbas PRCS’ 12th General Assembly Kicks Off in Al-Bireh

 (Al-Bireh, 5/7/2019):  Under the auspices of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, PRCS’ 12th General Assembly kicked off today at the Society’s headquarters in Al-Bireh. The opening ceremony was attended by Palestinian Prime Minister Dr. Mohamad Shtayyeh, eminent personalities from Palestine and abroad, department heads, program officers, staff and volunteers from the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, as well as representatives of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and ICRC. Live streaming was provided to enable staff from PRCS’ branches in Syria and Lebanon to follow the ceremony.  

In his welcome address, PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib said: “We gather here today to mark the start of our 12th General Assembly, which coincides with the Society’s 50th anniversary. This GA is held under the auspices of President Abbas who is a key patron of the Society as well as its honorary President”. Al Khatib underlined the need to redouble efforts to meet the humanitarian needs of Palestinians despite challenges facing staff and volunteers who risk their lives for the sake of fellow Palestinians and their national cause. Al Khatib also paid tribute to EMT Mohammad Al Hessi who received the ICRC Florence Nightingale Medal recognizing exceptional courage, devotion and exemplary service in the humanitarian field. It is the highest international distinction that can be awarded in this field.

Speaking on behalf of President Abbas, PM Shtayyeh said: “Today, we celebrate the Palestine Red Crescent Society’s 50th anniversary. Red is also the color of blood spilt in sacrifice by martyrs and wounded Palestinians. Founded in 1968, PRCS has accompanied Palestinians throughout their national struggle. It has made many sacrifices and lost many men and women along the way. Despite the extremely difficult political context, PRCS and all Palestinians are saying loud and clear that they will not settle for less than the end of the occupation, the creation of an independent State with Jerusalem as its capital, and the return of Palestinian refugees”.

Mohammad Al Hessi also took the floor. He paid tribute to the heroes of humanitarian work and to colleagues who fell in the line of duty, mainly Dr. Fathi Arafat, the Society’s founder, Dr. Khalil Salman and all EMTs and volunteers who paid the ultimate price to protect others. Al Hessi said that the medal he has received is not a personal award but should be seen as a recognition of services rendered by all staff and volunteers whose mission will continue despite all difficulties.

Dr. Ibrahim Altan, Director General of the Turkish Red Crescent Society, paid tribute to the Palestinian Society and handed it a historic document showing that the roots of PRCS go all the way back to 1910 when a Red Crescent Relief Association was created in Jerusalem.

Two films, one showcasing the Society’s achievements and the other portraying the life of Ibrahim Rabah, a talented and inspirational person with disability, were projected, followed by a song in sign language and a dabkeh performance by “Ouf” popular arts troupe from Jerusalem.