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PRCS’ EMT Dies of Wounds Sustained on May 3rd

 (Al Bireh – 10/6/2019): PRCS mourns the death of EMT Mohamad Al Judeili (36) from Al Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Al Judeili passed away at Al Ahli hospital in Hebron more than a month after being critically wounded on May 3, 2019 by Israeli occupation forces while in the line of duty during March of Return protests in the northern Gaza Strip. Al Judeili had been directly hit in the nose by a rubber-coated metal bullet which fractured his skull. 

A father of four, Al Judeili has worked for many years as a PRCS’ paramedic in the Gaza Strip. He was a dedicated paramedic who devoted his life for the sake of humanity and to saving Palestinian lives.
Al Judeili is the fourth medic killed since the beginning of March of Return protests. PRCS condemns the continuous aggressions committed against its medical teams in a crying violation of IHL provisions, mainly the fourth Geneva Convention which prohibits the targeting of medical missions and health personnel and obliges the occupying power to facilitate the work of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.