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PRCS’ Teams Harassed while Providing Emergency Medical Services at Al Aqsa Mosque

(Jerusalem, 10/5/2019):  PRCS’ teams provided First Aid to approximately 64 worshippers at Al Aqsa Mosque during the first Friday in the month of Ramadan.

55 patients received emergency medical services at four field clinics set up by PRCS at Lion’s Gate and inside Al Aqsa Mosque’s courtyards. Nine other patients were referred to Al Makassed hospital in Jerusalem for further treatment.

PRCS’ teams in the line of duty faced harassments by Israeli occupation forces. Paramedics and ambulances were initially prevented from accessing the Old City and Al Aqsa Mosque. Once allowed in, they experienced harassments. One EMT was beaten by soldiers and had to be taken to hospital for treatment. Moreover, soldiers stationed near the Society’s EMS centre in Al Souwwaneh in East Jerusalem stopped and delayed PRCS’ ambulances and teams.

PRCS also deployed ambulances, paramedics and tens of volunteers near checkpoints around Jerusalem where they provided medical services to worshippers on their way to Al Aqsa Mosque.
