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PRCS Attends the 13th Mediterranean Conference of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent Societies

(Al-Bireh - 4/4/2019):  PRCS took part in the 13th Mediterranean Conference of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent Societies as well as in the 2nd Red Cross and Red Crescent Mediterranean Youth Meeting held in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2-5 April 2019. The Conference was attended by representatives from National Societies and the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IM).

PRCS was a member of the Conference’s Preparatory and Steering Committee. Represented by Dr. Al Khatib, it also helped prepare the Conference’s final recommendations. The Society’s delegation was chaired by PRCS’ President Dr. Younis al Khatib. It comprised Ms. Khalida Al Seifi, Head of Planning, Ms. Tania Shawar Abou Ghosh, Head of International Cooperation, and Mr. Mahdi Al Jamal, Head of the Volunteers’ Department.

The Conference examined key humanitarian challenges in the Mediterranean relating to migration and refugees, social integration, IM action in the humanitarian field, youth engagement, International Humanitarian Law, crisis management and health services. Discussions were also attended by Palestinian ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Rizk Nammoura.

PRCS facilitated a number of sessions including those on Young Leaders and the Engagement of Youths in National Societies, social integration, culture of peace and non-violence, networking between Mediterranean National Societies, and the development of a strategy to promote youth participation in voluntary activities.

Dr. Al Khatib met with Bosnia’s senior Muslim cleric and head of its Islamic community Imam Husein Kavazovic who donated 200 thousand dollars in support of PRCS’ programs in Palestine.

The Sarajevo Declaration was adopted at the end of the Conference. It includes important decisions aimed at enhancing the participation of marginalized groups in National Society activities; increasing the role played by volunteers in identifying and responding to the needs of marginalized groups in local communities; building the capacities of young people so they can take part in the decision making process at all levels within National Societies; developing services provided by National Societies in the Mediterranean to refugees and migrants to safeguard their dignity; and promoting women’s participation at all administrative and leadership positions in the IM, including at the National Society level.
