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ICRC’ Head of Delegation Visits PRCS’ Premises in the Gaza Strip

 (Gaza - 25/3/219): Daniel Duvillard, ICRC’ Head of Delegation to the oPt, visited PRCS’ branches and EMS centres in the Gaza Strip to get better acquainted with their work as well as with challenges facing them. Mr. Duvillard was accompanied by PRCS’ Director General Khaled Joudeh and several heads of branches and departments.

PRCS’ officials spoke to their guest about the Society’s humanitarian and emergency interventions as well as its efforts to treat those injured during the March of Return protests which started on March 30, 2018. They discussed violations committed by Israeli forces against PRCS’ EMTs, volunteers and ambulances in the line of duty as well as challenges facing PRCS’ teams and the practices committed against them by Israeli occupation forces.

Mr. Duvillard visited the Society’s Rehabilitation Department, Ability Development College, Open Studio, Psychological Health Department, Al Amal Hospital in Khan Younis and Al Quds Hospital in Gaza City. He was briefed on key services offered by both hospitals and commended PRCS’ efforts, humanitarian services and interventions by paramedics and volunteers during March of Return protests along Gaza’s eastern borders.

Dr. Joudeh said the aim of the visit was to enhance cooperation and coordination with ICRC, as well as to inform ICRC of PRCS’ readiness and response to emergencies. He valued the role played by PRCS’ paramedics and volunteers despite being continuously targeted by Israeli occupation forces.
