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Signing Cooperation Agreement between PRCS- Lebanon and Japan

(Lebanon: 20/2/2019): The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) – Lebanon branch and the Embassy of Japan have signed a cooperation agreement for the year of 2019,  at the Japanese embassy in Beirut, to support the Society's Haifa hospital and to equip its emergency department, which is located in Burj Albarajneh Camp in Beirut.

Dr Samer Shehadeh, the head of the PRCS- Lebanon, and the ambassador of Japan in Beirut Mr. Matahero Yamagoushi, have signed the agreement in the presence of the Japanese Red Cross representative Mrs. Maki Igarashi, and the ambassador of Palestine in Beirut Ashraf Dabour.

This agreement is very important for it will help the society to continue providing better medical services to the Palestinian refugees in the camps.

This grant is considered the second Japanese support for the medical services in the society.