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To Honour Palestinian Martyrs: PRCS Cancels Ceremony Marking its 50th Anniversary

(Al Bireh - 13/12/2018): The Palestine Red Crescent Society has cancelled the main ceremony marking its 50th anniversary which was due to be held on Thursday, December 12, 2018 at 18:00 at its headquarters in Al-Bireh.

The decision was taken in honour of Palestinian martyrs killed by Israeli occupation forces as well as due to the tense situation prevailing in the oPt as a result of Israeli practices, including the recurrent incursions into West Bank towns and villages, the arrest of numerous Palestinians and army-backed settler threats calling for the assassination of President Abbas.

PRCS shall direct its staff and volunteers, especially Emergency Medical Teams, to areas targeted by occupation forces where they will carry out their humanitarian duty and help heal the wounds of Palestinians.
