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PRCS Concludes the Fifth National Disaster Response Training Camp

(Gaza - 17/7/2018):  PRCS’ Disaster Management Department concluded its fifth training camp targeting National Disaster Response Team members with the participation of tens of PRCS’ volunteers from the Gaza Strip, several UNRWA staff, ICRC, the Norwegian Refugee Council, Gaza University and Palestine University.

The four-day camp took place in Al Zahra’ in the central Gaza Strip. It featured a series of lectures on topics such as shelter provision, water and sanitation, the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Information, Communication and Documentation during emergencies, Evacuation and Transportation measures, Fire Fighting, Warehouse Management as well as Team Supplies and Management. Training sessions covered topics such as tent erection, building shelters and creating advanced medical posts similar to the ones erected along Gaza’s eastern borders since the end of March to provide First Aid to wounded Palestinians. The camp also featured an evacuation drill.

According to AbdelAziz Abou Eisheh, Head of the Disaster Management Unit in the Gaza Strip, the camp aimed at “training volunteers so they can safely intervene during emergencies to assist local communities. It is part of PRCS’ efforts aimed at building the capacities of both its staff and volunteers to enable them to provide humanitarian services to communities affected by disasters”.He added:" I would like to thank the Canadian Red Cross for it ssupport to PRCS and especially this training camp.

Dr. Bashar Mourad, Deputy PRCS’ Director General in southern governorates, said: “this camp took place under extraordinary conditions in Palestine in general, and at PRCS in particular. This year, the Society marks its 50th anniversary as its teams continue to work relentlessly along Gaza’s eastern borders to assist those targeted by occupation forces during March of Return protests. The camp aims at increasing the number of volunteers working with the National Disaster Response Team”.

The camp’s inauguration ceremony had been attended by PRCS’ staff, IM partners and civil society representatives. During the ceremony, several speakers had taken the floor to laud PRCS and commend it for its services during these extremely difficult times.

