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PRCS’ President Attends the 37th Session of the Governing Board of IFRC

(Al-Bireh - 28/6/2018): PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib attended the 37th Session of the IFRC Governing Board held in Geneva on June 25-28. PRCS had been elected to the membership of this Board in November 2017.

The session tackled a number of issues including strengthening National Societies, promoting the principle of voluntary service and preparing the Federation’s 2030 Strategic Plan to help the Federation carry out its programs and humanitarian mission in a fast changing world.

On the sidelines of the session, Dr. Al Khatib met with representatives of several National Societies to discuss means to enhance bilateral relations.

In a different vein, a PRCS’ delegation took part in Solferino 2018, an event held to commemorate the battle of Solferino between France and Austria which took place in 1859 and inspired Henry Dunant the idea of the Red Cross.

 The Society’s delegation also attended workshops at the Solferino Institute on the Humanitarian Principles guiding the International Movement and its interventions, and visited the Movement’s Museum which documents the history, development and key milestones of the International Movement.

 The delegation then took part in the Procession in which thousands of National Society staff, volunteers and members as well as representatives from the International Movement carry torches in recognition for Henry Dunant’s work and vision.
