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IFRC President Visits the Gaza Strip

(Gaza Strip – 23/5/201/): Dr. Francesco Rocca, President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), visited PRCS’ headquarters in the Gaza Strip to show his support for the National Society’s staff and volunteers. The visit aimed at perusing the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and the condition of PRCS’ staff and volunteers who are courageously carrying out their humanitarian duties under extreme duress caused by Israel’s inhumane practices against Palestinians.

Dr. Rocca and his accompanying delegation were received by PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, its Director General Dr. Khaled Joudeh and several Department and Branch directors. PRCS’ officials spoke about the Society’s humanitarian interventions as well as emergency and medical responses aimed at assisting casualties during the peaceful March of Return protests which started on March 30, 2018. They also described violations committed by occupation forces against PRCS’ staff, volunteers and ambulances in the line of duty as they provided emergency assistance to protestors.

The IFRC delegation remained in the Gaza Strip for two days, visiting the Society’s five EMS Centers and meeting with EMTs and volunteers who spoke about their work during these protests, the key challenges they face and how they are targeted and delayed by Israeli occupation soldiers. Dr. Rocca also met with EMTs  and volunteers who sustained bullet wounds and expressed his appreciation of their work despite being targeted by the Israeli army. A visit was also paid to a number of wounded Palestinians convalescing at PRCS’ Al Quds and Al Amal hospitals.

The delegation then toured various facilities at PRCS’ branch in Khan Younis including the Rehabilitation Department, the College of Ability Development, Al Amal City for Ability Development and the Psychological Health Department which offers Psychological First Aid to the wounded, their families as well as to medical staff and volunteers.

A Ramadan Iftar meal was organized in Dr. Rocca’s honor to which were invited numerous organizations working in the humanitarian and health fields in the Gaza Strip as well as International Movement partners and PRCS’ staff and volunteers. EMTs  targeted on the Strip’s eastern borders as well as the heads of the five PRCS’ EMS Centers in the Gaza Strip were honored and PRCS’ President and the President of IFRC exchanged symbolic gifts.

Dr. Rocca lauded efforts made by PRCS and commended the services provided by its volunteers who constitute the backbone of humanitarian work in all National Societies. He also applauded the work carried out by PRCS’ staff and volunteers on the Strip’s eastern borders, adding that the entire world is watching their heroic actions.

Dr. Rocca highlighted the increasing humanitarian needs in the Gaza Strip given the large number of wounded Palestinians in need of treatment.

Dr. Al Khatib expressed his appreciation of the key role played by PRCS’ volunteers to allay the suffering of the local population. PRCS, he said, is making every possible effort to facilitate the humanitarian, relief and community-based work carried out by its teams in the Gaza Strip. Al Khatib also thanked Dr. Rocca for this visit to the Strip and to PRCS’ branches.

The IFRC delegation then visited Hebron where it was received by Mr. Samih Abou Eisheh, Head of the Hebron branch’s Administrative Committee as well as by its Director General Mr. Haroun Al Joulani. Several other Administrative Committee members, heads of departments and volunteers were also present.

 The delegation toured PRCS’ Specialized Hospital in the city and was briefed about services provided by PRCS to the local population. Delegation members also toured Hebron’s Old City and were informed about the challenges faced by inhabitants and efforts made by PRCS to allay their suffering.

