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PRCS Attends the 10th Regional Conference of the Red Crescent and Red Cross Societies in the Middle East and North Africa

(Al Bireh - 23/4/2018): PRCS partook in the 10th Regional Conference of Red Crescent and Red Cross Societies in the MENA region, as well as in the 43rd General Assembly of the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization (ARCO) held in Baghdad from 18 to 20 April 2018. Both meetings were attended by representatives from National Societies, ARCO and the International Movement of the Red Cross Red Crescent.

The 10th Regional Conference, held under the banner “There is still Hope with the Red Cross and Red Crescent”, was attended by Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al Abdai, IFRC President Francesco Rocca, the Secretary General of ARCO Dr. Saleh Al Suhaibani, and representatives from 16 National Societies. The Palestinian delegation was chaired by PRCS’ president Dr. Younis Al Khatib and comprised the Society’s Director General, Dr. Khaled Joudeh, and the head of its Psychological Health Resource Center, Dr. Fathi Fleifel.

Participants discussed a range of issues, including enhancing a culture of peace and non-violence, working together to improve the conditions of IDPs and migrants, the shrinking of neutral and impartial humanitarian space, and the rising vulnerabilities of millions of migrants.

In his opening address, Mr. Rocca said: “Across the region and around the world, these people – who have fled their homes because of war or violence – struggle to access the services and support they need to survive. Even worse, they are increasingly falling victim to policies and laws that prioritize border control over humanity and dignity”.

Dr. Joudeh spoke about violations committed by the Israeli occupation in the oPt, especially the targeting of medical missions in the line of duty. He touched on the key obstacles that prevent PRCS from providing humanitarian assistance, and spoke about the many casualties treated by PRCS’ teams in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and occupied Jerusalem in 2017 and early 2018.

At the end of the conference, participants adopted the Baghdad Declaration, which addresses a range of humanitarian issues and underlines the importance of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in bringing hope and support to vulnerable communities. An Iraqi Red Crescent proposal to nominate renowned artist Naseer Shamma as a Good Will Ambassador, in recognition of this efforts to help Iraqis affected by the conflict, was also adopted.

The Conference was held concomitantly with the 43rd ARCO General Assembly attended by members, representatives of partner organizations, the international movement constituents, international humanitarian organizations as well as regional and international observers. Dr. Al Khatib reported on the work of the committee created to examine the MoU between the Society and Magen David Adom as well as the Agreement on Operational Arrangements. “The oPt has been suffering since 1967 because of Israel’s occupation and the daily violations committed against civilians, medical and humanitarian missions in the field”, he said. 26 such violations against Emergency Medical Teams in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank were recorded in the first half of April alone, leaving 33 paramedics and volunteers wounded and damaging 7 ambulances, he added. “These practices constitute a crying violation of IHL provisions which call for the respect and protection of medical missions as well as for allowing and facilitating their work”, he said.

The 43rd ARCO General Assembly held several sessions to adopt the agenda, elect Conference Officers and discuss reports by its Secretary General and Executive Committee. It also discussed a number of topics including ARCO’s historical encyclopedia, operational arrangements relevant to PRCS, humanitarian conditions in Palestine, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya, the situation of refugees in Arab States, as well as the provision of support to the families of staff and volunteers who fall in the line of duty.

On the sidelines of these two major events, Al Khatib met with a number of National Society representatives and discussed with them humanitarian conditions in the oPT, Human Rights violations by the Israeli occupation, the humanitarian role played by PRCS in Palestine and the Diaspora, as well as means to enhance ties between PRCS and other National Societies.

A workshop aimed at building communication skills in the humanitarian field was also organized and focused on IM principles. The workshop allowed for an exchange of views and experiences and discussed the adoption of initiatives to promote humanitarian communications.

