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PRCS Attends to 485 Persons Wounded During The March of Return

(Al Bireh - 22/4/2018): PRCS’ Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) attended to about 485 Palestinians wounded in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as occupation forces cracked down on protesters taking part in the March of Return on Friday and Saturday April 20 - 21, 2018.

PRCS’ teams provided first aid services to 401 casualties in the Gaza Strip alone, including 114 Palestinians shot with live ammunition, 208 tear gas suffocation cases, 34 tear gas canister wounds and 45 other casualties caused by shells, burns, falls and shrapnel. 

In the West Bank, the PRCS medical teams provided their medical assistance to 84 casualties,  including 61 tear gas suffocation cases, 16 rubber bullet wounds, 5 live ammunition wounds and 2 casualties due to beating by Israeli soldiers.

PRCS’ teams also evacuated the body of three Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip.  

Moreover, in the Gaza Strip, the Society’s Psychological First Aid Team provided psychological support to 275 wounded Palestinians and their families to help them overcome their trauma and grief and regain their balance.
