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PRCS’ Total Communication School Graduates its Tenth Class

 (Al Bireh- 15/4/2018): PRCS’ Total Communication School for the hearing-impaired graduated its tenth class of students at a ceremony held today at PRCS’ Headquarters. The ceremony was attended by PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, Minister of Education Dr. Sabri Saidam, Dr. Mousa Abou Zneid, Head of the General Personnel Council and Bassem Ereikat, Head of the Education Directorate in Ramallah & Al-Bireh. Several Department Directors, staff, volunteers, representatives from governmental and non-governmental bodies, students from the School and the families of graduates we also present. 

Dr. Saidam was the first to take the floor. He said he was very happy to take part in this ceremony celebrating the graduation of eight students. He thanked the attendees and said their presence proves the importance they accord to this key category of society. He also lauded efforts made by PRCS to serve Palestinians in Palestine and the Diaspora.
Dr. Saidam highlighted efforts made by his Ministry to integrate students with disabilities into regular schools and to ensure that all schools are made accessible to them. “Numerous counsellors have been hired by the Ministry to help students with disabilities, and this year modern technology will be used to make it easier for disabled students to sit for the High School National Exam (Tawjihi)”, he added.
In his address, Dr. Al Khatib described this day “as one of the happiest days this year. We have finally laid the cornerstone for the new Total Communication School for the hearing-impaired and we are hoping to have the construction phase completed in time for the Society’s 50th anniversary”. He also underlined the key roles played by the Ministry of Education and the General Personnel Council to increase accessibility and implement the Code for the Employment of People with Disabilities. “By providing disabled persons with education and employment opportunities, we ensure that they play a more productive role in our society”, he added.
The class valedictorians thanked PRCS’, their teachers and fellow students for their continuous support. They hoped to successfully pass the Tawjihi National Exam and to be able to enroll in universities. They also addressed special thanks to Dr. Al Khatib for his efforts to build the new school which will provide them with a safe environment to learn, for integrating them with their peers and for ensuring they have relevant educational materials and specialized teachers.
The father of one of the graduates thanked PRCS in general and the Total Communication School in particular for the efforts made to educate, rehabilitate and build the capacities of students with disabilities.
The graduation ceremony featured a number of artistic performances, including a joint performance with St. Joseph School in Ramallah, as well as Dabkeh dances by PRCS’ Troupe for the Hearing Impaired. Teachers, graduates and partner institutions were honored and diplomas were awarded to the graduates.