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PRCS Assists Victims Wounded During “March of Return”

(Gaza Strip – 31/3/2018:  PRCS’ Emergency Medical Teams assisted and transported 670 Palestinians wounded during “March of Return” protests held to mark Land Day and to call for the return of Palestinians to their land.

Out of the 670 casualties, 615 were shot with live ammunition, 40 suffered from tear gas suffocation, 12 were beaten by Israeli soldiers while 3 were wounded during Israeli shelling of the area. Moreover, PRCS’ medical teams operating a field hospital in the eastern Gaza Strip treated 196 Palestinians, while more than 90 casualties were treated at PRCS’ Al Quds and Al Amal hospitals. PRCS’ teams also evacuated the bodies of 10 of the 15 martyrs killed by Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip.

The Society had declared a state of emergency at all its branches and centers in the Gaza Strip, deploying 50 ambulances and 250 paramedics and volunteers along eastern friction zones and erecting a field hospital to allay the burden on Gaza Strip hospitals.

According to Dr. Bashar Murad, PRCS’ Deputy Director General in the Gaza Strip, “this humanitarian intervention by PRCS responds to the state-of-emergency in the eastern Gaza Strip. Our teams are on high alert and will make every effort to assist the wounded and to provide social and humanitarian services as they have always done”.
