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A British Red Cross Delegation Visits the PRCS

(Al-Bireh - 15/2/2018): A British Red Cross delegation comprising Alexander Matheou, Executive Director of International, Kimberly Brown, Head of Humanitarian Policy and Luis Sfeir, Country Manager in charge of Yemen, Iraq and Palestine, visited Palestine from 11 to 15 February 2018. At PRCS’ headquarters in Al-Bireh, they were received by PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, its Director General Dr. Khaled Joudeh and several heads of Departments, before touring the Society’s branches in Qalqilia, Hebron, Nablus and Gaza.

The visit aimed at getting better acquainted with the Society’s health, humanitarian and relief services as well as discussing means to enhance cooperation between the two National Societies.

In Qalqilia, the Society’s guests were received by Faysal Daoud, Head of the PRCS’ branch, who briefed them about the branch’s programs, services, plans and engagement with local communities. A tour was also organized in and around the city which focused on the expansion of Israeli settlements and the Wall of Separation which hinders Palestinians’ freedom of movement.

In Nablus, the delegation was received by Khalil Al Shakhshir, Deputy Chairman of the Branch’s Administrative Committee and Khaled Nasser, Branch Director General. Branch officials described health and social services offered to Palestinians and accompanied their guests on a tour in the Old City of Nablus.

In Gaza and Khan Younes, delegation members toured the Society’s Al Amal Hospital, PRCS’ Rehabilitation Center and Al Quds Hospital.

In Hebron, they were received by Haroun Al Joulani, Director General of the Society’s branch in the city and toured PRCS’ Specialized Hospital which offers state-of-the-art services including in the fields of pediatrics, neonatal health, gynecology and obstetrics, and surgery. A tour was organized to PRCS’ Al Raja’a Center for Rehabilitation and Capacity Development which offers education and vocational training to more than 100 persons with disabilities, as well as to PRCS’ Community Center which caters to the needs of Palestinians in the Old City of Hebron where conditions are difficult due to arbitrary measures imposed by the Israeli occupation.
