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A delegation of Spanish MPs Visits PRCS

 (Al-Bireh 14/1/2018):  PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al-Khatib received today at PRCS’ headquarters in Al-Bireh a delegation comprising 14 Spanish MPs representing four Spanish political parties. This visit to the oPt will enable delegation members to get better acquainted with humanitarian conditions on the ground and with the Society’s work in Palestine and the diaspora.

Dr. Al-Khatib described conditions in the oPt, especially in the aftermath of US President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. He spoke about oppressive measures taken by Israeli occupation forces as well as about health, social and humanitarian services provided by PRCS in Palestine and in refugee camps in both Syria and Lebanon through tens of hospitals, clinics and health and social centers.

 Al-Khatib also touched on Israeli violations against PRCS’ staff and volunteers and damages sustained by PRCS’ ambulances and facilities. He thanked the Spanish government for its continuous support of Palestinians and underlined the special and longstanding ties between PRCS and the Spanish Red Cross which supports several of the Palestinian Society’s health and humanitarian programs throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Delegation members highlighted Spain’s continuous support of Palestinians in their quest for freedom and lauded efforts made by PRCS to enhance the steadfastness of Palestinians via various programs and projects. Delegation members then toured PRCS’ headquarters and got better acquainted with its departments, programs and services.
