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The Israeli accusations against PRCS are false

PRCS affirms that accusations made by the Israeli “Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories” on his Facebook page are groundless and false.

PRCS does not have any employee or volunteer who goes by the name mentioned in that Facebook post. Moreover, transporting the sick from the Gaza Strip to Beit Hanoun checkpoint does not fall under the remit of PRCS’ ambulances operating in the Gaza Strip.

Such constant accusations made by Israeli occupation authorities are a cause for concern. PRCS sees them as a direct attack against the Society and its humanitarian mission and as an attempt to justify continuous attacks against PRCS staff, volunteers and ambulances in the field.

PRCS is a national humanitarian Society and a member of the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. As such, it abides by all the humanitarian principles of the Movement, especially the core principles of neutrality and independence.