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PRCS denies the Israeli allegations against its medical teams

PRCS strongly denies the allegations made by Israeli army spokesman (Arabic desk) Avichai Adraee on his Facebook page. Spokesman Adraee has posted footage which he claims shows a Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) ambulance “transporting a number of troublemakers” during clashes that took place on Monday December 11, 2017 at the northern entrance to Al-Bireh, thus violating the Society’ humanitarian mission.

The footage posted by spokesman Adraee shows a masked girl as she leaves a PRCS’ ambulance alongside two other girls. The girl, who had been injured during the clashes, had received First Aid inside the ambulance as her injuries were not serious enough to warrant hospital admission. PRCS’ teams have treated tens of casualties in the field and inside the Society’s ambulances. 

According to PRCS’ records, more than 1279 casualties have so far been treated in the field by its teams. 

PRCS affirms that it abides and shall always abide by its fundamental principles in general, and the principles of neutrality and impartiality in particular. PRCS affirms that it has done nothing but discharge its humanitarian mission and provide treatment to those who need it.

