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PRCS Honors Hundreds of its Female Volunteers in a Ceremony Held at its Headquarters in AL-Bireh

 (Al-Bireh, 4/12/2017): Under the slogan "Volunteering and Comprehensive Interventions Reinforce the Steadfastness of Local Communities", PRCS honored hundreds of its female volunteers from across the West Bank. Around one thousand female volunteers attended the Ninth Community Work Committees’ Forum held at the Society’s main theatre in AL-Bireh.

The ceremony was attended by PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, its Director General, Dr Khalid Joudeh, and by members of the Society’s Executive Bureau. Many PRCS’ staff, volunteers and members of Community Work Committees from various West Bank branches were also present.

"The Society's achievements and its recent membership in the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies could not have been accomplished without the efforts of volunteers, and especially female volunteers who are the backbone of Community Work Committees and who work hard to support the Society’s humanitarian role on the ground", Al Khatib said. He pointed out that this ceremony coincides with a number of events to be marked this December, including the International day of Persons with Disabilities –December3rd;the International Volunteer Day – December 5th; the anniversary of the passing away of the Society’s founder, Dr. Fathi Arafat – December 4th; and the Society’s 49thanniversary. Founded in 1965, the Society accompanied and formed part of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement which aims at building an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Mr. Rabah Jaber, Director of PRCS’ Community Work Department, praised the efforts of Community Work Committees and of volunteers who carry out the Society’s humanitarian programs."We are proud to have formed 12 new such Committees in 2016-2017 which shall implement humanitarian activities aimed at various segments of our society, including women, children, the elderly, students and the disabled", he said.

Volunteer Moyasar Abdallah took the floor on behalf of the Committees. She said that all volunteers who join these committees work hard from day one to build capacities in the field of health, social awareness and education, adding that these committees have become an essential component and supportive partner of the Society. “Community Work Committees spread health awareness through a range of diverse activities such as training, summer camps, home visits, open days, as well as individual and collective awareness activities”.

The success stories of three women who benefited from these Committees were presented: Fatima AlZahra from Jericho; Rima Shueki from Beit Awa; and Oum Osama HmeidatfromSureek shared their stories and spoke about the positive impact various health, social, and educational programs have had on them, their families, and their children.

At the end of the ceremony, songs and Dabkah dances were presented and tribute was paid to West Bank municipalities and village councils that support Community Work as well as to hearing-impaired students who passed this year’s Tawjihi examination.
