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First Open Heart Surgery Performed at PRCS’ Al Quds Hospital in Gaza City

 (Gaza - 18/10/2017): A team of doctors at PRCS’ Al Quds hospital in the Gaza Strip successfully performed a four-hour open-heart surgery for the first time in the hospital’s history on a 58 year-old patient suffering from clogged arteries.

 Six cardiac catheterization procedures had also been successfully performed at the hospital this month.

A Development Plan devised for Al Quds hospital aims at transforming it into a state-of-the-art institution that would improve health services provided to Gaza Strip residents, allay the suffering of patients who would otherwise need to be referred abroad for treatment and enhance the skills of hospital staff.

According to Dr. Khalil Abou’l Fool, hospital director, “this Plan which aims at improving the hospital’s diagnostic and specialized services was launched five years ago. New specialized services were provided to patients including advanced endoscopic procedures, ENT, neurology and urology services as well as vascular and heart surgery”.

Samira Al Ayidi, the patient who underwent the open-heart surgery, said: “I found out three years ago that I had clogged coronary arteries. I was in a lot of pain. After the operation, my health improved thanks to God’s will and to the efforts of staff at Al Quds’ hospital. The hospital’s medical team ran all the necessary tests and then performed the surgery using state-of-the-art equipment. They ensured my comfort during the entire process”. 

Partners from the International Movement of the RCRC have supported the development of this section are Arab Emirates RC, Italian RC, and Turkish RC.  
