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PRCS’ President Visits Lebanon

 (Lebanon - 25/9/2017): PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib visited Lebanon from 18-21 September and attended a consultative meeting convened by the Lebanese Red Cross. Held on September 19th, the meeting was also attended by the President of the Lebanese Red Cross as well as by the Presidents of the Syrian, Iraqi, Jordanian and Egyptian Red Crescent Societies. Dr. Al Khatib was accompanied by Dr. Shaker Al Shihabi, Director General of the Society’s branch in Syria and member of its Executive Office, and Dr. Samer Shihada, Director General of the Society’s branch in Lebanon.

Speaking at the meeting, Al Khatib thanked his Lebanese counterpart Dr. Antoine Zoghbi for hosting this consultative meeting and for the great support provided to PRCS in Lebanon. “Cooperation is needed and must be enhanced for the good of our peoples”, he said.

Al Khatib also touched on the situation in Palestine, the suffering caused by Israeli occupation practices and humanitarian services provided by PRCS despite obstacles faced in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip due to the Israeli occupation.

Dr. Shihada spoke in detail about conditions in the five hospitals operated by PRCS in Lebanon. He listed key obstacles facing the Society including the huge numbers of Palestinian and Syrian refugees now living in Lebanon due to the Syrian crisis as well as the Society’s increasing needs.

Dr. Al Shihabi spoke briefly about the Society’s work in Syria, difficulties caused by the Syrian crisis which also affects Palestinians especially in Al Yarmouk camp near Damascus, and key needs in the humanitarian field. He also recalled the nine PRCS’ staff who have lost their lives in the line of duty in Syria.

On the sidelines of this meeting, Dr. Al Khatib met with representatives from the Society’s branches in Lebanon and Syria, including Dr. Al Shihabi, Dr. Shihada, Dr. Mohamad Othman, Dr. Salah Al Ahmad and PRCS’ Administrative Board member Mr. Ahmad Ali. The meeting discussed conditions in both Lebanon and Syria as well as current and future health and social plans aimed at providing humanitarian services to Palestinian communities in the two countries.

Following the meeting, Al Khatib visited the Palestinian Embassy in Lebanon where he met with Ambassador Ashraf Dabbour who spoke about conditions in Lebanon in general and in Palestinian refugee camps in particular, especially in Ein Al Hilwa camp near Sidon. Al Khatib spoke briefly about services provided by PRCS to Palestinians in Lebanon as well as the services it offers in times of emergency.

Accompanied by PRCS’ Executive Office  members living in Lebanon, Al Khatib visited the site of Safad Hospital which is currently under construction in Al Baddawi camp in northern Lebanon, as well as the dialysis unit recently inaugurated in the camp.
