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Swedish Red Cross President Concludes Visit to oPt

(Al-Bireh - 4/10/2017):  Ms. Margareta Wahlström, President of the Swedish Red Cross and her accompanying delegation concluded today a four-day visit to the oPt. The delegation visited PRCS’ facilities and branches in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem.

Talks between Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS’ President, and his Swedish guests focused on means to enhance cooperation between the two Societies in the provision of relief and humanitarian services in both Palestine and the diaspora.

Al Khatib underlined the special ties between both Societies and touched on the various projects and programs supported by the Swedish Red Cross in the oPt. He also described key challenges faced by PRCS in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and in refugee camps in the diaspora, especially in Lebanon given the situation in neighboring Syria.

Ms. Wahlström said it was a pleasure for to take part in this visit. She commended services offered by PRCS and the great efforts made by the Society. Ms. Wahlström also spoke about the main programs supported by Sweden in the field of public health in Palestine and Lebanon as well as programs to be implemented in refugee camps in Syria to the benefit of hospitals, the Youths Program and the Psychosocial Support Program.

Delegation members toured PRCS’ headquarters in Al-Bireh and were briefed in detail on various services provided by the Society and the challenges it faces in Palestine and the Diaspora. The delegation then visited PRCS’ branch in occupied Jerusalem and its clinics in the Old City to get better acquainted with services provided to Jerusalemites. 

PRCS’ President and its Director General accompanied the delegation on a visit to PRCS’ branches in the Gaza Strip as well as to PRCS’ Rehabilitation Department, University College of Ability Development, the Open Studio, vocational workshops and the rehabilitation section at Al Amal Hospital.

The visit also included a stop at PRCS’ Al Quds Hospital in Gaza City where delegation members toured the Emergency and MRI wards, the laboratory, inpatient wards, outpatient clinics and the cardiac surgery ward. A briefing was provided on hospital restoration and reconstruction works as well as on key challenges, aspirations and future programs.

Delegation members also visited PRCS’ branches in Hebron and Nablus as well as PRCS’ sub branch  in Habala, a town affected by the Wall of Separation and Annexation, where they took part in an activity targeting elderly persons carried out with support from Sweden.
