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PRCS Provides First Aid Services to 450 Wounded Palestinians

 (Al-Bireh - 21/7/2017):  PRCS provided first aid medical care to approximately 450 Palestinians wounded as clashes continue throughout the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem, over the new security measures at Al Aqsa Mosque. 23 Palestinians sustained injuries caused by live bullets, another 147 were shot with rubber-coated bullets while 215 suffocated after inhaling tear gas and 65 suffered from fractures after being hit by Israeli occupation soldiers. 110 Palestinians were wounded in East Jerusalem alone.

PRCS set up a field hospital at its EMS Centre in Al Souwaneh neighbourhood in East Jerusalem where PRCS teams treated mild wounds in an attempt to allay pressure on hospitals in the city. Special paramedic teams on foot also offered emergency services in and around the Old City.

PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib visited both the Society’s EMS Centre and field hospital in Jerusalem to peruse work and readiness levels. He affirmed that PRCS’ paramedics, volunteers, centres and hospitals stand ready to respond to the needs of Palestinians, especially in occupied Jerusalem. Dr. Al Khatib also visited wounded Palestinians at Al Makassed Hospital in Jerusalem.
