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PRCS’ Total Communication School Graduates Its Ninth Class of High School Students

  (Al-Bireh – 25/4/2017): A graduation ceremony was held today for seven hearing-impaired students enrolled at the PRCS’ Total Communication School. Held at PRCS’ Auditorium in Al-Bireh, the graduation ceremony of the school’s ninth class of graduates was attended by a large crowd including PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS’ Director General Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS’ department and branch directors, staff and volunteers.  Dr. Layla Ghannam, Governor of Ramallah and Al-Bireh and Dr. Moussa Abou Zeid, Chairman of the General Personnel Council also attended the ceremony.

In her speech, Dr. Ghannam saluted Palestinian detainees on the eighth day of their hunger strike. She hoped that all their demands for justice and freedom will be met and that occupation will end so all Palestinians can live in freedom. She said all hearing-impaired students are a source of pride and play an important role in society. She also lauded efforts made by PRCS to assist all Palestinians in both the homeland and the diaspora.

Speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Mohamad Hawash, Director General of Guidance and Special Education, conveyed to participants the greetings of Dr. Sabri Saydam, Education Minister. He promised the full support of his ministry to students with disabilities,  88 of whom will be sitting for the Tawjihi High School Exams this year out of a total of 80 000 Palestinian students.

Speaking on behalf of students, Abdallah Aqel thanked PRCS, his school teachers and his fellow-students for their continuous support. He hoped to pass the Tawjihi exam with flying colors and to continue his higher education alongside his peers.

Dr. Abou Zeid said he was happy to take part again in the graduation of another class of hearing-impaired students and hoped they would all enroll in universities. “These students need more attention and care. Palestine is a success story in terms of employment opportunities offered to the disabled in all public institutions. In 2016, disabled persons constituted more than 6.3% of our staff because we believe in their great potential”, he said.

Dr. Al Khatib spoke about the “School for the Hearing-Impaired” Project and hoped the school will be inaugurated as the Society celebrates its 50th anniversary. This school, he explained, will include a sports center suitable for the needs of disabled persons. Its foundation stone is to be laid one month from now.


Other persons took the floor to laud efforts made by the Total Communication School in particular and PRCS in general to foster disabled persons, especially high school students. The graduation ceremony also featured artistic and educational shows by a group of hearing-impaired students as well as dabkeh performances and a song recital by singer Miral Ayyad.
