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PRCS’ Branch in Toubas Celebrates International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day

 (Toubas, March 20, 2017) - PRCS’ branch in Toubas held a major ceremony to mark both the International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day during which tribute was paid to PRCS’ committees operating in central and northern Aghwar areas which have successfully implemented the Reproductive Health Promotion Program.

The ceremony was attended by a large crowd including residents and officials representing Toubas Governorate as well as the Ministries of Health, Social Development and Education. Security apparatuses, Toubas Municipality and Ein Shibli Village Council were also represented.

Dr. Jamal Daraghmeh, Head of the branch, spoke about the role women play in society: “God gave women a special status and made all their days special. Women are mothers, sisters, teachers, educators, leaders and freedom-fighters. Life cannot go on without women. They are an integral part of all communities”, he said.

Abdallah Daraghmeh, Toubas Deputy Governor, valued efforts made by PRCS to serve Palestinians. Women, he said, occupy key positions in Palestine and have proven that they are highly capable and efficient.

Shireen Al Fuqaha, a PRCS’ volunteer, narrated her success story as a volunteer with Community Health Committees. She spoke about training courses organized by PRCS and how she conveyed what she learned there to residents of her marginalized village. “The most important things I learned were in the field of First Aid. My village really needs this kind of training, being so far away from health facilities”, she said.

A short film was also projected on the work done by Community Health Committees in targeted areas. The ceremony featured poetry readings as well as folkloric and dabkeh shows. Symbolic gifts were handed to committees which assist families and promote health, mainly reproductive health, in central and northern Aghwar areas.

