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A Rare and Successful Operation at PRCS’ Specialized Hospital in Hebron

 (Hebron 18/2/2017): A team of surgeons at PRCS’ Specialized Hospital in Hebron has successfully performed a rare Sacrococcygeal Teratoma (SCT) surgery on a 16 day-old baby girl.

The four-hour surgery included the removal of the coccyx and the reconstruction of anal muscles. This remarkable medical achievement took place under the supervision of a highly qualified team of surgeons comprising paediatric surgeons Dr. Ihsan Al Ghazawi and Dr. Radwan Abou Kirsh, Head of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Dr. Khaled Al Sarahneh, paediatric anaesthesiologist Dr. Iyad Jaber, and a team of surgical nurses.

Dr. Abdelrazzak Abou Mayyala, Medical Director at PRCS’ Specialized Hospital, said the baby was referred from the Gaza Strip when she was eight days old. She had been prenatally diagnosed with a big mass compressing her rectum and genitals. When the baby arrived at the hospital in Hebron, her condition was re-examined, x-rays taken and tests performed in preparation for the operation. Sacrococcygeal Teratoma is quite rare and reported in approximately 1/40 000 live births.


Following the operation, the baby was placed under the supervision of the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care team. She is now in good health and can move her limbs as expected.

Sameeh Abou Eisheh, Head of the Administrative Committee of PRCS/Hebron, thanked God and the medical team for the successful surgery. He said the team’s efforts and the means provided by PRCS’ hospital, including lab tests, medical equipment and professional teams all contributed to this success. On behalf of the Administrative Committee, he thanked the medical team which followed this patient since her arrival at the hospital.

The baby’s parents said they were delighted at the success of the operation which put an end to their daughter’s pain and suffering. They addressed their thanks to the hospital’s staff in general and to the team of surgeons which performed the operation in particular.

It is worth mentioning that operation theatre and recovery room were supported by the Italian Red Cross.
