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PRCS Concludes its Integrated Summer Camps

PRCS recently concluded a series of integrated Summer camps with the participation of more than 550 disabled children and their peers in Ramallah, Nablus, Jericho and Hebron.

At its HQ in Al Bireh, PRCS concluded its integrated Summer camp which took place from 1 to 10 July with the participation of 150 children. The camp aimed at integrating hearing-disabled children with their mainstream peers through activities and events that helped children release stress through games and group activities. Mainstream children were also taught the basics of sign language. The camp was held in cooperation with the Qatar Red Crescent Society and Danish Red Cross Youth.

In Nablus, PRCS/Nablus concluded its Al Zuhoor Camp for hearing disabled children and their mainstream peers. The camp, in which partook 150 children, was held from the 10th to the 26th of June. It focused on integration and sign language and was held in cooperation with the Qatar Red Crescent Society. PRCS/Nablus also concluded its 13th Summer Club held from 17 to 26 June with the participation of 300 children. It aimed at integrating special needs children with their peers through several activities and events.

In Jericho, PRCS/Jericho concluded its Summer Camp held from 1 to 7 July with the participation of 120 special needs children and their mainstream peers, as well as children of detainees and martyrs. This Camp, also held in cooperation with the Qatar Red Crescent Society, featured several diverse educational and cultural events.

In Hebron, PRCS/Hebron concluded its 11th Camp held from 1 to 15 July with the participation of 150 children. Through its various activities, the Camp aimed at instilling social integration and communications between special needs children and their peers. Moreover, children visited several local associations and institutions and exchanged visits with other Summer Camps.