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Palestine Red Crescent Society Statement Concerning Human Casualties in Syria

The Palestine Red Crescent Society is saddened by the human losses witnessed over the past five months in Syria in general and in Latakia and Al Raml refugee camp in particular. PRCS hereby declares its readiness to provide humanitarian assistance to victims, whether Syrians or Palestinians, in its hospitals in Al Yarmouk camp, in Damascus and in Homs, as well as in its medical clinics and centers in most Palestinian refugee camps in Syria.

The PRCS established a committee to examine general conditions in Syria and to assist the Syrian Red Crescent Society with doctors, nurses and psychosocial workers backed by teams of volunteers to provide humanitarian assistance to victims of these distressing events. PRCS shall continue to coordinate with its Syrian sister society to heal the wounds of victims of these painful events.

While saddened by these distressing events in Syria, PRCS stands ready to make its capabilities inside and outside Syria available to the Syrian Red Crescent Society in line with its humanitarian duty to support the efforts made by its sister in Syria to face the health, social and environmental consequences of these events.