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Dr.Saleh Ahmad Interview

PRCS/Lebanon plays a major role in Lebanon where it provides services to Palestinian refugees and acts not only as a Ministry of Health, but also as a Ministry of Social Affairs. To shed light on medical services provided by PRCS/Lebanon, Panorama interviewed Dr. Salah Al Ahmad, Director of Medical Services at PRCS/Lebanon:

1. What is the role of Medical Services at PRCS/Lebanon?
Medical Services constitute the Society’s backbone, as they provide medical and surgical services to patients seeking treatment at its hospitals and medical centers, according to a very sophisticated strategic plan.

2. Can you describe coordination between Medical Services and Health Centers in the at the PRCS ?
Medical Services oversee services provided at hospitals and health centers, ensuring that they are sound, advanced and high-performing. All this is done in coordination with the Services Committee.

3. What is the relationship between Medical Services and UNRWA?
Medical Services communicate with UNRWA to ensure the implementation of the contract signed by both parties, as well as to set the required quality standards and follow up on their implementation in PRCS hospitals and medical centers. Periodic meetings are also held to discuss matters relating to patient referrals and to ensure common action, as we both provide services to the same population, i.e. Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

4. What about relations with partners, and donor ?
Relations with partners and donors exist on all levels. When it comes to medical and professional programs and projects in hospitals and health centers, there is constant coordination between Medical Services, partners, donors and the Department of Projects to determine needs and means of assistance whether through the rehabilitation or maintenance of medical centers and equipment or through medical professional training.

5. Is there a strategy to improve Medical Services in PRCS/Lebanon?
PRCS developed in 2008 a strategy with a view to improving the quality of medical services as well as to providing training and education to medical, nursing and managerial staff to upgrade their knowledge as necessary.

6. What is your vision regarding the future of PRCS/Lebanon?
PRCS aims to swiftly improve and enhance the quality of its services, as well as to embrace world standards to be able to compete with both public and private hospitals. This, of course, requires continuous support from the headquarters and from PRCS partners. Moreover, we must ensure that our staff respects quality indicators, which can be supported through cooperation. We also believe that we need to promote and market our Medical Services to maintain our Society’s sound reputation in this field and to attract patients, especially given UNRWA’s current policies urging us to market our services so that we achieve the above-mentioned goals, increase our revenues, cover our expenditures and increase our ability to adhere to international standards.