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PRCS’ President Surveys the Society’s Work in Syria

 (Al-Bireh-27/12/2016): PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib met today in Damascus with staff from the Society’s branch in Syria who spoke to him about efforts and humanitarian services rendered by PRCS to Palestinian refugees in particular in Al Yarmouk refugee camp and surrounding areas. Future plans to enhance the Society’s services including at PRCS’ Yaffa Surgical Hospital in Al Mazza, Damascus, and Bissan Hospital in Homs were also discussed.

Dr. Al Khatib is on a three-day visit to Syria during which he is to visit the Society’s various centers and facilities.

Al Khatib also took part in the ceremony held by the branch at the Arab Cultural Center in Damascus to mark the Society’s 48th anniversary celebrated on the 26th of December. The ceremony was also attended by Dr. Ahmad Masalmeh, Deputy President of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), Mahmoud Al Khaldi, Ambassador of Palestine to Syria, Dr. Shaker Shihabi, Secretary of PRCS/Syria as well as several PRCS’ officials, staff and volunteers.

The ceremony started by a minute of silence observed for those who lost their lives from the Palestinian and Syrian Red Crescent Societies followed by the national anthems of the two countries.


Dr. Al Shihabi then highlighted key PRCS’ services provided to Palestinians in Syria and to all those in need. Speaking on behalf of SARC, Dr. Masalmeh described the deep ties between the two Societies and their efforts to allay the suffering of those affected by the crisis in Syria.

Ambassador Al Khaldi lauded the Society’s work especially during the past few years in Syria. He also thanked SARC for its continuous support to and coordination with PRCS in the humanitarian, relief and health fields.

Dr. Al Khatib took the floor to underline efforts made by PRCS in the West Bank, including in occupied Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Diaspora in the humanitarian and relief fields with a view to assisting Palestinians and alleviating their suffering. He lauded the great work done by PRCS’ staff and volunteers at Palestine Hospital in the besieged Al Yarmouk Camp, which he said “exemplifies humanity in all its forms”. He thanked SARC for its support and constant coordination with PRCS/Syria to overcome obstacles and unite efforts in the relief and medical fields. Al Khatib then handed plaques to several PRCS’ staff and volunteers in recognition of their work.

The ceremony featured a number of artistic interludes by Nida’a Al Ard troupe from the Palestine Girls’ Club in Damascus. A Palestinian heritage exhibition was also organized.
