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To Mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and the International Volunteer Day: PRCS Inaugurates Two Camps for Youths and Persons with Disabilities in Al-Bireh and Al Far’ah

 (Al-Bireh-6/12/2016): PRCS inaugurated a recreational sports camp for persons with disabilities at the Salah Khalaf Compound in Al Far’ah (Northern West Bank) with the participation of about 200 disabled persons and  their families.


The inauguration ceremony of this 3-day camp was attended by PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, several officials and prominent community leaders from Toubas Governorate as well as by many PRCS’ staff and volunteers. The Camp will feature numerous activities including cartoon and freehand drawing, telematch games, football matches, karate shows, educational fun activities and theatre plays. Both persons with disabilities and their families will benefit from this wide array of activities.


In his opening address, Dr. Al Khatib said: “This Camp and its numerous activities constitute a key milestone. I call on the Palestinian National Authority to cater for the disabled and to implement disability laws in Palestine in a timely manner”. Al Khatib also spoke about key relevant events marked by PRCS in December and affirmed that “PRCS will continue to play a leading role in terms of providing services to this important category of the Palestinian population. It is vital that we build and develop disabled persons’ capacities so they overcome their disabilities and engage in their communities”.  


In the same vein, PRCS inaugurated at its headquarters in Al-Bireh the Fourth Youth Winter Camp held under the banner “You are the Change”. The Camp is attended by 75 young men and women, including ten with disabilities, from various PRCS’ branches in the West Bank, including Jerusalem.


Speaking at the Camp, Dr. Al Khatib underlined the key role played by young Palestinians in the fight for freedom and independence, as well as their vital role in developing and implementing PRCS’ programs in Palestine and the Diaspora. “As we live and continue to struggle under Israeli occupation, we must develop the skills and capacities of young people and promote their creativity to help advance Palestinian society and institutions”, he said.


Al Khatib added that the Camp was held alongside several other events this month, including events to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, celebrated on the 3rd of December, the International Volunteer Day, marked on the 5th of December, and the death anniversary of Fathi Arafat, the founder of PRCS, which is marked on the 4th of December.


This one-week camp will discuss various topics including the impact of young leaders on community resilience, promoting skills for living with oneself and living within a community, increasing participation in decision making and community leadership processes as well as educational and voluntary activities aimed at polishing the skills of camp participants.


