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PRCS Inaugurates an EMS Center in Qariot

 (Nablus - 21/11/216): PRCS inaugurated today an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Center in Qariot, a Palestinian village located to the South of Nablus in the occupied West Bank. Created under the umbrella of the PRCS’ Risk Reduction Program, the center will cater to the needs of around 10 000 Palestinians in Qariot as well as in nearby villages and communities. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Mr. Ma’moun Al Abassi, PRCS’ Deputy Director General in northern Governorates, Mr. Hilal Toufaha, President of the Society’s branch in Nablus as well as by many PRCS’ staff, volunteers and representatives of local bodies.


In his speech, Mr. Al Abassi said that the center was established under the Risk Reduction Program run by PRCS since 2009 to help meet the needs of approximately ten thousand inhabitants against the backdrop of increased Israeli settler aggressions. He thanked the Society’s partners, and especially the German Red Cross, for their efforts and support and recalled that PRCS has already inaugurated two similar centers in Boureen and Koufor Kaddoum.


PRCS, he said, is building community resilience through its Community Work Program which is a holistic and integrated program that includes activities such as First Aid training courses, Life Skills enhancement activities and the creation of Community Health Committees.


Mr. Nizar Deeb, President of the Qariot Local Council, thanked PRCS for the attention it gives to marginalized areas and seam zones. The center, he said, will provide unique services in an area that lacks health centers and is witnessing recurrent settler attacks and an increasing number of patients. Bashar Al Qarioti, Head of the town’s Volunteers’ Committee, lauded the efforts and hard work of PRCS’ volunteers from Qariot.


During the ceremony, diplomas were distributed to PRCS’ volunteers who had taken part in a First Aid course organized by the Society.

