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PRCS Concludes the First Batch of its 2016 Summer Camps

(Al-Bireh-31/7/2016): The Community-Based Health Program at PRCS concluded today the first batch of its 2016 Summer camps. Approximately 70 boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 12 took part in ten camps organized in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (Hajja, Bardala, Kira, Khirbet Qais, Kafr el Libed, Beit Awwa, Soreef, Deir el Balah, Rafah and Jabalia). The camps started on July 15th and were held under the banner of “The children of today are the volunteers of tomorrow”.


A team of volunteers from PRCS’ Community Awareness Committees (CACs) supervised the camps. The volunteers had received training over several years to enable them to run community-based activities and determine local community needs in cooperation with PRCS’ branches.


This year’s camps focus on nurturing volunteerism in young boys and girls, preparing them to become future PRCS’ volunteers as well as motivating CAC volunteers. They also aim at instilling the values of volunteerism, leadership and competition in children, providing them with accurate health and environmental information and teaching them healthy eating habits with the hope that they convey these important messages to their families and communities and thus help CACs improve community health.


Topics covered include an introduction to the Society’s mission, services and programs, especially the PRCS’ Community-based Health Program. The camps focus on emotional stress release, integrating children with special needs with their able-bodied peers, promoting volunteerism, group work, discipline, leadership and communication skills as well as teaching children responsibility. They also aim at boosting the leadership role played by volunteers in their communities.

