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PRCS’ Total Communication School Graduates its Eighth Class of Hearing-Impaired students

Al Bireh-17/5/2016: A graduation ceremony was held today for the eighth class of hearing-impaired students enrolled at the PRCS’ Total Communication School. Held at PRCS’ headquarters in Al-Bireh, the graduation ceremony gathered a huge number of participants including PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, Bassem Ereikat, Director of the Education Directorate in Ramallah Governorate, several PRCS’ department directors and staff as well as the families of graduates.


 In total, fourteen graduates from PRCS’ Total Communication School and the Society’s branch in Nablus received their high school diplomas and shall be enrolling in Palestinian universities in the near future.


“This is one of the happiest moments of my life. Today, we graduate a group of hearing-impaired students and we are sharing this very happy moment for the first time with the school for the hearing-impaired in Nablus. Hopefully next year students from our school in Khan Younis will take part in this ceremony”, Dr. Al Khatib said in his speech.


The ceremony was held as Palestinians mark their Nakba (tragedy), which has led to the displacement of Palestinians and the occupation of Palestine. “The Nakba poses a great challenge to Palestinians, just as disability is a challenge to the disabled”, Al Khatib added. Hearing-impaired persons and the disabled in general need to play a role in fighting the occupation, and their capacities and talents should be developed and harnessed so they become productive and engaged citizens, he said.


Bassem Ereikat lauded efforts made by PRCS to help this category of Palestinians and to prevent their marginalization. The Ministry of Education, he said, is ready to provide its full support to PRCS’ schools for the hearing-impaired throughout Palestine.


Speaking on behalf of graduates, Shurooq Al Faqih praised PRCS, teachers and the staff of the Total Communication School for their efforts and for ensuring her education and rehabilitation. “Today, we celebrate our graduation from our beloved school. We are filled with joy and proud of this school which provided us with an education similar to the one received by our able-bodied peers. We thank you for the education, health, mental and emotional care and support provided to us”, she said.


One parent took the floor to thank PRCS for the great support it provides to the hearing-impaired and to address words of appreciation to the Total Communication School.


During the ceremony, a film on the success story of Amal Shoukri, who graduated from the school two years ago, was projected. Amal is currently majoring in Physical Education at Birzeit University. An animated cartoon film produced by the Hearing-Impaired Students Alumni Club in cooperation with the British Council was also projected. The British Council offers training in the design and production of animated cartoons using play-dough.


The ceremony also featured a dance performed by a group of hearing-impaired students produced in cooperation with Sareyyet Ramallah-First Ramallah Group (FRG). The students Alumni Club’s Dabkeh troupe performed a folkloric dance alongside other artistic interludes presented by students.


Dr. Al Khatib also honored hearing-impaired graduates currently studying at Palestine Technical College and Al Quds Open University in Ramallah Governorate. Pupils from the Total Communication kindergarten and the PRCS’ kindergarten also received their graduation diplomas at the end of this ceremony.

