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PRCS’ Administrative Board Meeting Held at the Society’s Headquarters in Al-Bireh

Al-Bireh- 24/4/2016: PRCS’ Administrative Board concluded today its meeting held at the Society’s headquarters in Al-Bireh. The meeting was attended by officials from PRCS’ branches in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.


In his opening address, PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib underlined the difficulties faced by delegations from Lebanon and Syria in reaching the oPt due to the current situation in the region and Israeli obstacles.


Speaking about key challenges faced by PRCS, Al Khatib said they included Israel’s constant attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank; the repercussions of Israel’s latest war on the Gaza Strip; the security situation in Lebanon and especially in Ein El Hilweh refugee camp; and the crisis in Syria.

In connection with the crisis in Syria, Al Khatib highlighted the tragic situation in Al Yarmouk refugee camp, the loss of eight PRCS’ employees in the line of duty, as well as the need for more international support for both Palestinian refugees and PRCS’ activities.


Al Khatib also spoke about the latest Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and efforts made by PRCS to provide health, relief and psychosocial services to Palestinians there. He touched on the crucial role played by PRCS as of the beginning of the popular uprising in the oPt in October 2015 in terms of assisting Palestinians and countering Israel’s systematic attacks against the Society’s good name and reputation.  He explained that PRCS’ responded to those attacks through a well-organized international campaign which led to an apology presented to PRCS during the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Geneva in December 2015.


Administrative Board members discussed PRCS’ General and Administrative Reports, the Society’s interventions in the Gaza Strip following the 2014 war as well as interventions in support of Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon.


Officials from PRCS/Lebanon spoke about interventions with both Syrian and Palestinian refugees and displaced populations living in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon as well as key challenges facing the Society in those camps, whereas officials from PRCS/Syria presented a detailed report on the Society’s interventions in Syria, especially in Al Yarmouk refugee camp where the situation is disastrous.


Other topics included humanitarian work in the oPt, Israeli violations against PRCS’ teams and facilities during the popular uprising and means to enhance cooperation with partners from the International Movement with a view to bettering services offered to Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon.

