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Hearing-Aids Distributed by PRCS and the Bank of Palestine

Al-Bireh- 20/3/2016: PRCS and the Bank of Palestine (BOP) announced that they have begun distributing hearing-aids donated by the Bank as part of the “I Want to Hear” campaign. Co-launched by PRCS and BOP last June with a view to collecting 1000 hearing-aids, the campaign aimed at reducing the financial burden shouldered by families of hearing-impaired children and adults. Distribution of hearing-aids shall continue until the end of this year.


The announcement came at a joint meeting held at PRCS’ headquarters in Al-Bireh and attended by PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS’ Director General Khaled Joudeh, BOP Director General Hashim Shawa, BOP Assitant General Manager for West Bank Branches Hani Naser and several BOP officials. The meeting also provided the opportunity to examine means to enhance cooperation between both bodies and to discuss in detail the distribution of hearing-aids.


Dr. Al Khatib spoke about projects undertaken by PRCS in the Gaza Strip, including the Society’s Capacity Development College which offers diplomas in disability-related fields, as well as the development of Al Amal hospital in Khan Younis to enable it to cater to the needs of disabled persons.


 He also touched on the Society’s creation and development, its humanitarian services, the challenges it faces, the health and social programs it implements in Palestine and the diaspora, and the role it plays in providing relief to victims of natural disasters and disasters caused by the occupation.


Mr. Shawa paid tribute to a number of children who helped ensure the success of this campaign and met with several persons with hearing disabilities. He also visited the Society’s school for the hearing-impaired as well as PRCS’ sections serving this category of the population.


At the end of the meeting, Mr. Shawa and Dr. Khatib expressed their thanks and gratitude to BOP clients and to Palestinians in general who responded to this campaign by making donations. These donations, they said, reflect the noble values and lofty ideals of Palestinians who are always ready to show solidarity with and to stand by those in need.
