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PRCS Holds a Training Camp for the National Disaster Response Team in Gaza

(Gaza - 11/12/2015) 2015- PRCS’ Disaster Management Unit (DMU) held from 7 to 10 December a training camp aimed at building the capacities of the National Disaster Response Team in the Gaza Strip. The camp was held with the participation of thirty volunteers from PRCS’ branches in the Gaza Strip alongside staff from ICRC.

Participants received information on the International Movement, the emblem, disaster management, field exercises, intervention teams, the qualities that make a good team member, warehouse management, water and sanitation, and shelters inter alia. Exercises were organized with the participation of the Society’s EMS apparatus and focused on emergency evacuations, night and day hikes, rapid interventions after disasters as well as emergency and rapid intervention simulation exercises.

Dr. Khalil Abou’l Foul, Director of the Disaster Management Unit in the Gaza Strip, said that the camp was part of efforts made by PRCS and ICRC to build the Team’s capacities and enhance their skills in the fields of emergency interventions, evacuation and the provision of shelter. He lauded the engagement of participants and underlined the importance of collective efforts to serve local communities during disasters and emergencies.

Participants expressed their satisfaction with the training they received which helps enhance their knowledge and improve the capacities and skills they need in the field in order to assist populations affected by both natural and man-made disasters.
