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PRCS Holds its “Friends of PRCS” Meeting on the Sidelines of the 32nd International Conference

(Al-Bireh – 7/12/2015): PRCS held its “Friends of PRCS” Meeting in Geneva on the sidelines of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. The meeting was attended by representatives from 30 National Societies.

PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib updated participants on recent developments on the ground in the oPt. He also spoke about PRCS’ interventions in the Diaspora, the Society’s achievements and the difficulties facing it as well as its current and future priorities.

Furthermore, Al Khatib refuted the untruthful allegations made by the Israeli government against PRCS which it accused of failing to assist Israeli casualties near Hebron. He showed participants photos and video footage challenging these allegations.

 Al Khatib also touched on Israeli violations against PRCS’ paramedics and teams which are prevented from discharging their humanitarian duties.

Participants underlined the importance of holding this meeting regularly, either on an annual basis or according to need.