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As a Preemptive Measure: MDA Retracts its Accusations Against PRCS

(Al-Bireh- 7/12/2015):  Magen David Adom (MDA) withdrew the accusations it had made against PRCS in which it claimed that the Society failed to provide First Aid to Israeli settlers near Al Samou’ last Month. MDA’s retraction comes on the eve of the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent held this week in Geneva.

In a letter circulated on Wednesday December 2nd to National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies worldwide, as well as to ICRC and IFRC, MDA affirmed that PRCS’ EMTs were the first to arrive at the scene and did not leave until after Israeli ambulances had arrived. The letter added that PRCS has always provided emergency medical services to Israeli citizens.

The Israeli campaign of incitement against PRCS’ aimed at condemning PRCS and preempting its call on the International Movement to take legal action against MDA due to its failure to respect PRCS’ geographical scope of activities in the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967 as well as its failure to assist Palestinian casualties during the past two months. 


For further information, please contact Ms. Erab Al Fuqaha, PRCS’ Spokesperson, at the following numbers:  972 599251116, or 972 2 2978520, extension 2741