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For the Eleventh Year in a Row PRCS Marks the World AIDS Day with a Large-Scale Awareness Campaign

(Al-Bireh 2/12/2015) : PRCS marked on Tuesday December 1st the World AIDS Day at Al Quds Open University (Ramallah Branch). Events were held to inform students about AIDS: facts, prevention and treatment, while leaflets and posters on AIDS prevention were distributed to students.


PRCS has marked this Day over the past 11 years with events targeting school and university students as well as local communities. Students from Polytechnic University in Hebron, Birzeit University in Ramallah, Al Najah University in Hebron, the American University in Jenin, Bethlehem University and the Modern College in Ramallah have all benefited from similar events during the past eleven years.


24 staff members from PRCS’ Primary Health Care Department as well as volunteers from Community Awareness Committees took part in marking this Day. 350 students attended these events and filled-in AIDS-related questionnaires.