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PRCS/Qalqilia Holds a Crisis Evacuation Drill at a High School in Azoun-Atmeh

(Qalqilia -23/11/2015):  Volunteers from the Disaster Management Unit (DMU) at the Society’s branch in Qalqilia carried out a crisis evacuation drill with the participation of 28 students from the Health and Resources Committees at Azoun Atmeh High School for Girls (Qalqilia Governorate). Organized as part of the Disaster Mitigation Program, the drill focused on techniques for lifting and carrying wounded persons including the fireman’s lift, the pack-strap carry, the blanket pull and the stretcher lift. A lift and evacuation exercise was then carried out with the participation of students.

Two DMU volunteers, Abdallah Shreim and Amir Daoud, took part in the drill alongside several other PRCS’ volunteers, PRCS/Qalqilia branch manager Faysal Abou Saleh, PRCS’ Coordinator for Youths and Volunteers Nidal Al Boustanji, and PRCS’ Coordinator for the Risk Mitigation Program Ms. Reem Al Khatib.

PRCS/Qalqilia offered the school a First Aid kit and a Flood Action poster with useful information on what to do before and during floods.