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PRCS Briefs Diplomatic Missions About Israeli Attacks Against the Society

(Al-Bireh – 18/11/2015): PRCS’ president Dr. Younis Al Khatib briefed several representatives from diplomatic missions accredited to Palestine about attacks and violations committed by Israeli occupation forces since the beginning of October.

Al Khatib also spoke about the campaign waged by the occupying power against PRCS and its medical teams, denying allegations that these teams failed to assist several wounded Israelis near Al Samou’ (Hebron Governorate) last week.

This campaign, he said, aims at deviating attention away from Israel’s increasing violations not only against PRCS but also against health services and hospitals in general. These include a raid by Israeli Special Forces at Al Ahli hospital in Hebron which resulted in the extrajudicial assassination of a wounded Palestinian and in the arrest of a second person, the storming of Al Makassed Hospital in Jerusalem on several occasions and the attempt to storm PRCS  hospital yesterday.

Al Khatib said he was concerned about the increasing number of assaults by Israeli occupation forces against PRCS’ teams, volunteers and ambulances, as Israel continues to systematically incite public opinion against PRCS.

“Ever since the start of the latest Israeli attacks in the oPt, Israeli occupation forces have intentionally assaulted and directly targeted PRCS’ teams, in a clear and blatant violation of IHL. The Israeli army has committed more than 277 aggressions against PRCS and its ambulances. As a result, more than 131 paramedics and volunteers were wounded while 76 ambulances were damaged. Moreover, PRCS’ medical teams were denied access to sick and wounded persons on 70 different occasions.

The humanitarian work and professionalism of PRCS’ teams are indisputable. PRCS has over the years provided First Aid to hundreds of Israelis present in the oPt”, Al Khatib added.

Video footage and pictures showing PRCS’ teams as they offered medical care to Israeli citizens in the oPt, as well as other footage showing Israeli assaults on those teams, were projected.


 For further information, please contact Ms. Erab Fuqaha, PRCS spokesperson – Ramallah headquarter, mobile: 972 – 599251116 or tel: 972 2 2978520 ext 2741.