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Israeli Forces Prevent PRCS from Covering Incidents at Qalandia Refugee Camp

(Al-Bireh – 16/11/2015): Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets directly and repeatedly at PRCS’ ambulances in order to prevent them from accessing Qalandia refugee camp to evacuate casualties after the camp was stormed by soldiers early this morning. PRCS’ ambulances and EMS teams which tried to enter the camp were met with direct Israeli fire. Several ambulances were damaged as a result.

PRCS’ teams handled 13 casualties early this morning: two persons sustained live bullet wounds in the upper body, two others suffered from rubber-coated metal bullet wounds while five persons suffered from tear gas suffocation.
Israeli occupation forces continue to infringe IHL provisions by obstructing PRCS’ teams and preventing them from providing medical care to casualties. These breaches constitute a grave violation of international conventions and treaties which call for facilitating the work of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and for the respect and protection of their emblem.

For further information, please contact Ms. Erab Al Fuqaha, PRCS’ Spokesperson, at the following numbers:  972 599251116, or 972 2 2978520, extension 2741