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PRCS inaugurates a medical centre in Al Thahiriyeh

(Al Thahiriyeh – 5/11/20115): PRCS inaugurated today a comprehensive medical centre in Al Thahiriyeh (South of Hebron) due to serve more than 70 thousand patients from the town and surrounding villages. The inauguration ceremony was attended by PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, the head of PRCS’ sub branch in Al Thahiriyeh Mr. Nasser Keissiyeh, several PRCS’ staff working in the southern West Bank and numerous prominent personalities and officials from the town.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Al Khatib underscored efforts made by the Administrative Board of the town’s PRCS’ sub branch. The Society, he said, works closely with inhabitants to meet their social and health needs. Their support to and trust in PRCS is the Society’s biggest asset, he added.

Al Khatib also spoke about difficulties currently facing PRCS in the oPt. He focused on Israel’s continuous violations against medical teams and the great difficulties relating to the provision of relief and humanitarian services to Palestinians in Syria and Lebanon.

Mr. Nasser Keissiyeh lauded the efforts put into building this medical centre. He thanked the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Reconstruction, the Abou Sharkh clan which donated the piece of land on which the centre was built, Al Thahiriyeh Municipality and the Southern Electric Company.

Al Thahiriyeh Mayor Mr. Akram abou Allan praised efforts made by PRCS in Palestine and the Diaspora as well as the extreme commitment and dedication shown by its medical teams during the current events. He also highlighted the role the Society played in ensuring that this medical centre sees the light.

This new medical centre comprises several sections, including a state-of-the-art 24/7 EMS section and a physiotherapy section which is the first of its kind in southern Palestine.


For further information, please contact Ms. Erab Fuqaha, PRCS spokesperson – Ramallah headquarter, mobile: 972 – 599251116 or tel: 972 2 2978520 ext 2741.