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The IFRC Secretary General continues his visit to the PRCS branches

(Al Bireh – 10/6/2015): Following their visit to the Gaza Strip, Elhadj As Sy, Dr. Al Khatib, Dr. Joudeh and Elias Ghanem visited Hebron where they were received by Mr. Samih Abou Eisheh, PRCS’ Secretary and Head of PRCS/Hebron, members of the Administrative Committee of PRCS/Hebron and directors of PRCS’ centers and sections.Together, they toured PRCS’ Hospital in the city to get better acquainted with its facilities and services. Then they visited PRCS’ Al Raja’ Center for Special Education which provides rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities, including vocational training and education. Delegation members also toured the Old City of Hebron as well as Al Ibrahimi Mosque and visited PRCS’ Community-based Psychological Health Center which provides services to the inhabitants of Hebron’s H2 areas.

Mr. AsSy, Dr. Al Khatib and Dr. Joudeh then visited occupied Jerusalem. At the Society’s Headquarters in the city, they were received by Dr. Abdallah Sabri, member of the Society’s Executive Bureau and Chairman of the Administrative Committee of PRCS/Jerusalem, several officials from PRCS’ Hospital in Jerusalem and the Head of the ICRC Mission in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. A ceremony was held in honor of Mr.AsSyduring which five new ambulances donated by ICRC were inaugurated. The ceremony was attended by Palestinian Minister for Jerusalem Affairs Mr. Adnan Al Husseini, and several PRCS’ staff and volunteers.

Mr. As Sy then visited Ramallah, his last stop. Accompanied by Dr. Al Khatib, he met with Prime Minister Rami Al Hamdallahat his office in the city. During the meeting which was also attended by Dr. Jawad Awwad, Minister of Health, Al Hamdallah updated his guest on the reconstruction of destroyed homes in the Gaza Strip and on relief efforts made by his government during and after the latest Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. He also spoke about plans set forth by the government to support the health and relief sectors in Palestine and to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza. Al Hamdallah addressed his thanks to PRCS’ staff and volunteers as well as to the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for their heroic interventions in the Gaza Strip and in Al Yarmouk Refugee Camp in Syria.

Elhadj As Sy was then received by Mr. Hussein Al A’araj, Presidential Office Director, who briefed him about conditions in Palestine and the suffering of Palestinians, including medical teams, due to occupation practices. He thanked his guest and IFRC in general for their humanitarian support of Palestinians.

At PRCS’ Headquarters in Al Bireh, Elhadj As Sy, together with Dr. Al Khatib and several Department Directors, visited the Society’s warehouses, its Rehabilitation, Capacity Building and EMS Departments as well as its crèche and theatre.

At the end of the visit, a farewell ceremony was held at PRCS’ Headquarters in the presence of Ramallah and Al Bireh Governor Dr. Layla Ghannam, numerous prominent personalities and Heads of PRCS’ departments and sections. A mother-of-pearl miniature of Al Aqsa mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre were offered to Mr. Elhadj As Sy as a token of appreciation for his efforts.
