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Under the Auspices of President Mahmoud Abbas a Memorandum of Understanding between PRCS and Al Azhar University signed

 (Gaza - 21/4/2015): PRCS’ President Dr.Younis Al Khatib and Dr.AbdelrahmanHamad, Chairman of Al Azhar University’s Board of Trustees, concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under which )PRCS’ Al Quds Hospital in Gaza will offer clinical training for students from the University’s medical school. The MoU was signed at PRCS’ Headquarters in Gaza City under the auspices of President Mahmoud Abbas and in the presence of representatives from several national and international organisations.

“Cooperation between our two entities is the fruit of efforts made by PRCS to extend its services to all Palestinians, including university students”,Dr. Al Khatib said. The MoU, he added, was concluded as per directives issued by President Abbas and with his full support.

Al Khatib expressed his gratitude to representatives of international organisations present at the signing ceremony, especially to Ms. AsneHavnelid, Secretary General of the Norwegian Red Cross who attended the ceremony alongside several representatives of the International Movement of the Red Cross Red Crescent in the Gaza Strip.

Al Khatibadded that Al Azhar was a well-established university which played a pivotal role in the education of Palestinian youths. Finally, he hoped that national unity will prevail in Palestine in order to allow for the provision of real assistance and support to all Palestinians.

In his remarks, Dr. Hamad commended the efforts made by PRCS in the social and health fields through its branches in Palestine and the Diaspora. Speaking about the MoU, he said it would allow medical students from Al Azhar University to acquire practical and professional experience by receiving training at Al Quds Hospital which will thus become the first training and education hospital in the Gaza Strip.
