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Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria: Red Cross Red Crescent is calling for greater support for refugees

27 February 2015, Geneva/Beirut – The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is calling for a greater support to Palestinian refugees and people affected by the Syrian crisis. Millions of people have been displaced and are desperately in need of humanitarian support.

During a two-day meeting in Beirut, focused on the work of the Palestine Red Crescent Society in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria, Movement representatives and other stakeholders stressed the humanitarian imperative of increasing support to refugees.

“We have a unique role here, providing free medical treatment to everyone based on need” said Dr Younis Al Khatib, President of Palestine Red Crescent Society. “We face many challenges, but our staff and volunteers are always ready to assist the most vulnerable. Palestinians have been suffering for decades and with the Syria crisis, this suffering has increased and life is getting really hard. With the support of our partners we can continue our vital work.”

Working hand-in-hand with the Lebanese Red Cross and Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Palestine Red Crescent Society branches in Lebanon and Syria are operating hospitals, clinics and community centres in the Palestinian camps. Volunteers and staff run health services and social activities for both Palestinian and Syrians refugees, helping to alleviate the stress on host communities. In the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, the society manages five hospitals and nine clinics providing health services to 150,000 patients every year in average.

The society’s branch in Syria runs three hospitals – in Yarmouk, Homs and Mazzeh near Damascus – and 11 health centres. Yarmouk camp in particular is of particular concern. Staff and volunteers are risking their lives every day to help a desperate population.

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement representatives showed their solidarity to humanitarian workers in the affected crisis and paid tribute to staff and volunteers killed in the line of duty in Syria.

Francesco Rocca, Vice President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) said visiting one of the Palestinian camps was emotionally challenging, but gave him an insight into life as a refugee. “I tried to put myself into the shoes of refugees, and felt a little of their frustration, anger, and sense of loneliness, but I also share their hope that one day their right to be back home will be fulfilled,” he said.

“I strongly believe we have a collective duty to stand by these families, supporting the activities of our National Societies,” Rocca added.

Robert Mardini, ICRC’s head of operations for North Africa and Middle East said needs of the Palestinians were currently outpacing the scale of the response. “We need to collectively do more and better. The Palestine Red Crescent Society is a key partner for us in the region, and we are keen to jointly identify opportunities to increase our humanitarian response to all Palestinians”
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is calling for greater support for National Societies to meet the immediate needs of Palestinian refugees and those are affected by the Syria crisis.


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