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PRCS Marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

(Al Birteh-5/12/2014): PRCS marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3rd) with a marathon for children with disabilities held in Jericho in the West Bank.

PRCS' President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, the Society's Director General Dr. Khaled Joudeh, Jericho's Governor Majed Al Fitiani, and Jerischo’s former governor Mr.Sa'eb Ereikat and Jericho's Mayor Mohamad Jalaytah all partook in the marathon alongside 500 children with disabilities, their parents and rehabilitation staff. Held with support from the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish Red Cross Societies, the marathon started in front of Jericho's Municipality and ended at Jericho's Spanish Garden Park.

Al Fitiani and Ereikat conveyed to participants the greetings of President Abbas, highlighting the importance given by the Palestinian leadership and government to disabled persons whose rights are guaranteed by domestic law. "It is our society's shared responsibility to ensure the full understanding and promotion of those rights", they said. Disability does not mean inability, they added, and gave examples of men and women of science and culture as well as of great patriots who were disabled.

In his speech, Dr. Al Khatib said that "this Day and National Week are marked as we commemorate the tenth anniversary of the passing of Dr. Fathi Arafat, a humanitarian action pioneer. A decoration titled the "Fathi Arafat Order for Humanitarian Action" is currently being designed and is to be awarded to volunteers and humanitarian action practitioners in memory of Dr. Arafat and in celebration of humanitarian work. In addition to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Society's anniversary (December 26th) and the International Volunteer Day are also marked in December. PRCS has always endeavored to uphold humanitarian action and to promote the rights of persons with disabilities. Joint action and annual assessments are now needed to determine the level of progress made in these two domains".

At the end of the marathon, medals were awarded to participating children. Thanks were addressed to youths and volunteers and to all those who contributed to ensuring the success of this marathon by organizing sideline recreational events.