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For the 10th Year in a Row PRCS Marks the World AIDS Day

(Al Bierh - 1/12/2014): For the tenth consecutive year, PRCS marked the World AIDS Day by organizing various events to raise awareness about HIV transmission and prevention.

This year, events were held at Hebron Polytechnic University. PRCS distributed HIV/AIDS related questionnaires to more than 580 students in order to rate how knowledgeable they are about the Syndrome. The questionnaires were examined by experts from PRCS who then corrected misconceptions about HIV/AIDS and distributed relevant leaflets. University officials welcomed the large turnout of students seeking information from PRCS' teams overseeing these events.

Similar events have been organized in previous years at Birzeit University, Al Najah University in Nablus, the American University in Jenin, Hebron University, Abou Dis University and Al Quds Open University.
