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PRCS President Takes Part in a Humanitarian Diplomacy Forum in Bahrein

(Al Bireh -27/11/2014): PRCS' President Dr. Younis Al Khatib took part in the 'Diplomacy in the Service of Humanity' Forum held over two days in Bahrein with the participation of several state officials, representatives of governmental bodies and humanitarian organizations, delegates from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement representing 12 countries, ambassadors to the Kingdom of Bahrein and a number of guests.

Participants underlined the need to involve decision makers including politicians, MPs, diplomats and state officials in humanitarian work. They recommended to set up permanent Humanitarian Diplomacy mechanisms within the International Movement and called for the large-scale use of said mechanisms especially in regions witnessing serious conflicts and violence. Information exchanged during the forum should be documented in order to serve as the nucleus for a periodic training program to be offered to National Societies, they added. Moreover, they called for the publication of an HD booklet in Arabic.

Following extensive discussions and given the huge challenges facing humanitarian work in general, and in the Arab region in particular, participants invited the Arab Red Cross and Red Crescent Organization to create a special group to follow-up on this Forum. They urged National Societies to invite relevant official bodies to this Forum which should be held periodically to ensure that HD matters are regularly discussed between National Societies and official decision-making bodies.

Held under the supervision of several experts and practitioners, the Forum was attended by 70 participants from an array of organizations and sectors. Six different panels discussed the following topics: the theory and practice of Humanitarian Diplomacy, the challenging environment, humanitarian interventions in times of crises, the importance of coordination during humanitarian crises, the challenges facing humanitarian action in the Arab world and the perspectives of Humanitarian Diplomacy.


At the end of the Forum, participants thanked the Bahrein Red Crescent Society for its warm hospitability and for the excellent organization of this event.


On the sidelines of the Forum, President Al Khatib briefed several participants on conditions in the oPt, mainly in the Gaza Strip, in the aftermath of the Israeli attack. He touched on the role played by PRCS in dealing with the consequences of this attack and the great sacrifices it has made in this regard.
